22 December 2008

Blogging by phone with no roaming

Amother one for the techies: I'm writing most blog posts on my mobile and getting the posts onto the blog by emailing them to a special email address configured on Blogger. I can use a similar mechanism to get phone photos onto Flickr and even email photos to Flickr and have Flickr simultaneously post them to Blogger.

There are no international roaming agreements between European mobile operators and operators in Iran, so I'm dependent on finding the odd open wireless network to get my backed-up mail sent. I have the email client on my phone configured to relay mail via my Gmail account, so I don't need to care about which SMTP server to use either. So far it's been working well! We'll see how it goes over the coming days as we retreat into the wilds away from modern conveniences like wireless networks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeez Ben

Talk Engish (or maybe Farsi)!

Too tecchie for the IT dinosour that I am! - OK - I was raised on the abacus and later moved to working out non-linear third order differential equations in my head while courting Olivia. But, regrettably, mobile phone and blogging language is beyond me.

Sounds like your having a great time!