18 November 2008

Magic Carpet Ride

Magic Carpet Ride
Originally uploaded by Stars*Go*Blue
For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with magic carpets and the wonderful concept of being able to fly off to any corner of the globe at a moments notice. I suppose this childhood fantasy has evolved into a love of travel and a desire to see some of the most amazing places in the world. So when Ben suggested Iran as a possible trip, it immediately conjured up a variety of different images for me.

As Ben has mentioned, there is a contrast between the almost mystical and magical Persian association which I visualise in a kaleidoscope of rich vibrant colours and patterns and present day Iran which if I am honest, I see as being more black and repressed. As a woman I find it hard to 'see' Iran in my mind without dis-associating it from images of women wrapped from head to toe in black loose-flowing robes.

It has been really interesting to dig deeper and research this country more so that I can dispel some of my initial pre-conceptions about Iran. My experience though will undoubtedly be different to Ben's as there are many restrictions and etiquette for female travellers that must be 'religiously' followed. This trip will challenge me in lots of different ways but I am looking forward to having a new persona for thee weeks and am thinking about this trip as a 'Fancy Dress' adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have a fantastic time and i look forward to keeping up with you by blog
