Unfortunately, Iranian coffeenets are badly infected with viruses. During this research trip our USB memory stick picked up more than 50 viruses, worms, Trojan horses, key-loggers and other nasties. So be careful about doing internet banking unless the anti-virus software is up to date, and scan carefully before sticking anything into your your own computer that has been in an Iranian machine. (July 2008 Lonely Planet Iran)I don't use Windows on any of my computers - I use Linux. Recent advances in Linux mean that it's now possible to have a complete, bootable installation of Linux on a memory stick, with room left over for another partition for your data - photos, text, whatever. It struck me that a very useful option would be to use a bootable USB stick in Iranian coffeenets (Internet cafes) - it'll just depend on how amenable the owners are on letting me reboot their boxes and fiddle with BIOS boot-order settings. Assuming that some at least will be cool about it, I've made myself a bootable, writable Linux distro on a stick by following these short, simple and clear instructions.
The newest Ubuntu distribution, 8.10, includes a utility for making a bootable USB stick too, though I haven't tried this yet.
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